KLSE Mid Term Stock Signals

Mid-term stock picks helps stock market investors to hold a stock for a range of 1 to 2 months and when the good time comes, you make handsome returns with our Mid-term KLSE stock recommendations. Our stock calls will include the entry-level signals, target and stop loss details which when used by our clients will make returns for them.

Month on month growth is the prime goal of this service pack, which includes KLSE trade signals with highest accuracy. Stock Trading Recommendations are thoroughly examined with help of latest tools and dedicated expert team. Register for the pack and get the best out of our prime mid-term stock signals.
  • Every week 1-2 recommendation.
  • 7-9 recommendations of Bursa Stocks on monthly basis.
  • 75-80% accurate trades on monthly basis.
  • Follow-up updates regarding queuing target and cut loss hit will be given for every recommendation.
  • All major event updates impacting KLSE.
  • Support and resistance of KLCI.
  • Assistance and follow-up through WhatsApp by experts

Recommendations will be provided through WhatsApp and text.

โ€ข Maintain 50,000-60,000 RM.
โ€ข Follow every recommendations of Acordan Research.
โ€ข Review Risk and do money management on monthly basis.
โ€ข Follow all the levels as given by experts from KLSE BULLS Research.


Plan Quaterly Half Yearly Yearly Bi-Yearly
KLSE KLSE Mid Term Signals 4200 MYR 8000 MYR 15000 MYR 12000 MYR


Call Frequency Target 1 Target  2 Stop Loss Risk Reward Ratio
Weekly 2-3 3.10% 25.00% 7.00% 01:01

Every service have different features and return per signals.